Lightened Up Life

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3:00 p.m. Breather

Hey Sunshine!

About 6 months ago a good friend mentioned the idea of pausing each day at different times, to just take a breath. The idea was intriguing so I decided to try it and see if it changed my life in any way. I am always looking for tiny ways to improve my health so this seemed easy enough.  

3:00 p.m.

This seemed like a perfect Lighten Up activity so that day I set my iphone alarm for 3pm, and I set it to repeat every day at that time. And that is exactly what has happened for the past 6 months, my alarm has gone off daily at 3pm. As soon as it goes off, I pause whatever I am doing for a moment, and I take a deep conscious full breath. That’s it. Then I resume whatever I was doing.

A Daily Pause

Has this one tiny moment to stop and take a breath changed me in any way? Absolutely! I love my daily pause. It stops me in my tracks, brings me right into the present moment, puts me in touch with my body and mind, relaxes and centers me, and then allows me to return to what I was doing with greater balance.

Give it a Try

This is probably the simplest & quickest Lighten Up activity I have ever recommended. It literally takes mere seconds to do, and you know you are doing something great for your body, mind, and spirit. Give it a try!

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