Lightened Up Life

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30 Days of Gratitude Stretching

Hey Sunshine!

A few years back, I signed up for a month long series of online daily audio gratitude meditations. I was really enjoying listening to them but found myself getting rather antsy.  Having trouble sitting still as I listened, I got up from my chair and started to move around. I kept listening, but found my movements turning into full body stretching! Maybe I was creating room in my body for more gratitude?

Here’s What Happened

For 30 days, I engaged in what I coined Gratitude Stretching. It became such a wonderful habit that still love to do often. I found that I really enjoyed the feeling of stretching my body as I focused on all of the things in my life I was grateful for. I think that doing both simultaneously helped me take the highly blissful and moving feelings of gratitude into my body much more deeply.

I highly recommend it to others as a morning and/or evening daily practice!

Adding Gratitude Stretching to Your Routine

  1. Starting your day with 5-10 minutes of Gratitude Stretching improves mood, increases flexibility, decreases anxiety, and gives you a greater sense of peace and balance with which to move through your day.

  2. Ending your day with 5-10 minutes of Gratitude Stretching prepares your mind and body for rest and a sound sleep. It lessens or stops the ruminating thoughts that keep you from easily falling asleep. It helps to decrease the tightness in your neck, shoulders, and back so that you rest with greater ease.

I Am Grateful

There are countless 5-10 minute “gratitude meditations” on YouTube to listen and stretch to, or you can turn on some soothing music and stretch while you focus your mind on what you are grateful for in your life. If you find your mind wandering, just gently guide it back toward gratitude.

This Lightened Up activity will make a major difference to your day, and night!

Try it and let me know how it feels!

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