Listen to 5 Minutes of Stand Up Comedy

Hey Sunshine! ☼


I have loved comedy my whole life.  

I Love Lucy is my all time favorite TV show, followed by decades of loving sitcoms, and romcoms. Stand Up comedy has a special place in my heart.  It can produce concentrated & intense laughter! I have listened to stand-up comics and been laughing so hard tears ran down my face and my stomach hurt. That’s the kind of laughter I love the most!


Who doesn’t love that feeling of laughing so hard?

You know, so hard you can barely breathe!? Ok, maybe breathing is better, but you know what I mean. But even if a joke just brings a smile to your face or a little chuckle, it’s still counts!


Nothing will get you lighten-up quicker than a good hearty laugh.

Laughing is literally exercise for your internal organs and nervous system! It is SO good for you, raising “happy” neurotransmitters, and sends all sorts of calming chemicals through your bloodstream.  You just cannot beat laughter to bring down those stress levels, and lighten you up!


There are very real health benefits to laughing:

  • Laughing lowers blood pressure

  • Laughing boost the immune system

  • Laughing reduces stress hormones

  • Laughing increases muscle flexion

  • Laughing works your abs

  • Laughing increases oxygen levels

  • Laughing improved cardiac health

  • Laughing reduces anxiety & elevates mood


A Boost for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Imagine what just 5 minutes of laughing will do for your mood and your whole body! Laughter can be just seconds away with all the technology we have at our fingertips now. So turn on your favorite comedian (or a brand new one) on Youtube, Netflix, Alexa, Sirius XM radio, or an app and just give yourself a daily laughter-break. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for the boost!

Here’s one I have always loved to get your started...It’s a classic that never gets old to me!


Who are your favorite comedians?

Share them with us in the Comments!