Choose Foods That Make You Feel Light

Hey Sunshine! ☼


This is my very first Lightened Up Lifestyle Activities Tip!

This tip makes sense as my first tip because it’s the very first activity I always put on my list…


Tip: Choose foods that make you feel light today!

Have you ever noticed that every food has an “energy”?

Some foods leave you feeling heavy, some leave you feeling light.  Some foods lead you to feeling lifeless, and some lead you to feeling alive and energetic!

To better understand what I am saying on a physical and emotional level, try this short exercise:


Think of a plate of vegetables or fruit salad.

 Imagine all those beautiful vibrant colors all mingling with each other. Now imagine taking a bite of it.  How does it feel in your body? Now picture yourself eating the whole thing. Let yourself feel into that feeling so you really get a good sense of it.  How does it affect your mood? How does the energy of it affect your day? Ok, remember that feeling.



Imagine a plate filled with chili cheese fries.

Yes, that might get you much more excited at the start! Imagine yourself eating the whole plate of them.  After you have finished then, how does it feel in your body? How does it affect your mood, How does the energy of it affect the rest of your day?
Can you feel the difference between the two scenarios?  I know for me personally, their is a big difference in how I feel.

This short exercise was to start to get you in touch with the energy of food and how it affects your mind and body. There are no good or bad foods, and I’m certainly not telling you just to eat salads. Not at all. I believe that your own body will tell you which foods will make you feel light if you tune in and listen to it. Trust what it tells you.


Before making a meal at home or at a restaurant,

I will ask myself, “What foods will make me feel light right now?” Only I can answer that for myself, just as only you can answer that for yourselves. Do I ever eat heavier foods? Of course I do. This is not about perfection! (Perfection is not a “light” feeling, but I will address that in a future blog).  But I can promise you this, if the majority of the time, you choose to eat foods that make you feel light, you WILL feel lighter in mind, body, and spirit overall. And that is what we are after with the Lightened Up Lifestyle!


All of my future recipe blog posts will also reflect this style of eating, light & fresh!

What foods make YOU feel light?
