Happy Places from Your Past

Hey Sunshine! ☼

How many times have we heard the expression “Go to your happy place?” Generally it refers to meditation or relaxation exercises where you are asked to close your eyes and envision a place that brings you to a feeling of peace, joy, and complete contentment. Most of us have at least one “happy place” to bring to mind...a beautiful Caribbean beach, a lush path through a forest, a wide open field of wildflowers as far as the eye can see, or gently rocking in a hammock.

But for this Lightened Up Life activity, I am going to suggest you actually carve out some time and actually GO to one of your happy places. Think back to an earlier time in your life, a simpler time, to a place you used to go in childhood that just made you happy and feel free.  If you have the ability, physically return to that place!

A friend of mine did just that.  

She returned to her childhood home.  Her family hasn’t owned the home in decades, but she was in the neighborhood and decided to drive by.  She noticed the wall she used to lean up against all the time as she played with friends. Drawn to go over to the wall, she parked and got out of her car.  Walking over to the wall, and leaning up against it, she closed her eyes and put herself back into that happy memory when life was easier, simpler, more fun, and free. She shared that it was such a powerful and amazing experience that was still with her days after!

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Give it a go!

Visit a happy place from an earlier time. It can be from anytime in your life, not only childhood. If you have the ability, go visit and let your mind, body, and spirit return to the feelings of that time.  Stay with those feelings as long as you are able to immerse yourself in the experience.

And if you aren’t able to physically go to a happy place from an earlier time, close your eyes and try to recreate the sights, smells, and feelings of that place in your mind. Really immerse yourself in that experience and you will still derive great benefits!

What happy place would you return to if you could?   

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