Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow

Hey Sunshine! ☼

It’s Spring, the perfect time to start planting.  Some people have that nack for making vast and beautiful flower or vegetable gardens, and some people (like me) are best left to plant just a few flowers, herbs, or veggies in garden pots that sit on my balcony. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a wanna-be like me, there is more meaning to planting a seed than just the end product.


New Life

There is something so spiritual and meditative about planting even just one tiny seed. Lovingly caring for it by placing it in a little nutrient-rich soil, watering it with just the right amount of water, and nurturing the little seed with love and attention keeps your mind present to the precious moment. You are bringing new life into the world, a fragile little bud.  


Celebrate Milestones

Planting a seed and watching it grow requires patience and deeply connects you to yourself, the seed, and the universe around you. The seedling breaks through the dirt and grows taller and taller, and into a strong beautiful plant over time if you give it the proper care and attention it needs. Celebrate each milestone as it grows.


Take a Lesson From The Seed

The same thing can be said of any goals or dreams you have.  In a time of instant gratification, people have lost patience to lay the groundwork and do what is needed to really make their dream a reality. Take a lesson from the seed. You must tend to your goals and dreams as you would the seedling, surrounding it with a nutrient rich environment, loving care, and patience. You aren’t angry and frustrated with the seed when it doesn’t become a big strong plant in a few days. It’s the same with your goals, they take time.


It’s All About The Journey

Plant a seed, whether it be a plant or a dream, or both. Tend to it with love and patience and watch it grow strong and beautiful! Have patience and celebrate every stage or growth, not only valuing the end result. There is so much joy, growth, and learning in the journey...that is where LIFE is found.


What will you plant this Spring?

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